Palace Fields 2016 Open Air Mass Wednesday 13th July 2016 @ 8PM
Many thanks to Mary Monaghan, Liam Martin and John Fleming who help promote the mass with meeting, leaflet , decorations, online and facebook with Ronan O'Ceallaigh.
Parish Team - Most Rev. Michael Neary, Fr. Patrick Farragher Adm.,
Fr. Yesudas Kodiveettil
Many thanks to Paul, Sean, David and Maureen who transported and set up the altar sound system on the night
Many thanks to Reader Mary Monaghan, Catrieva Savage .....
Fr. Pat welcome everyone (95 people) to 2016 Palace Fields Open Air Mass
Archbishop Michael Homily to Palace Fields Mass
A word of thanks to all Palace Fields Resident from Tuam Parish
Palace Fields Mass - A word of thanks to all the residents from the Palace Fields who looked after the arrangements and those who took part at the mass. Go mbeirmid beo ag am seo aris .
Tuam Parish newsletter Sunday 17th July 2016.
Tuam Parish newsletter Sunday 17th July 2016.
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